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Cecilia Mogollon - Online Memorial Website

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Cecilia Mogollon
Born in Colombia
77 years
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I dedicate the rest of my life to bringing your memories alive Until I can't write anymore, because you'll live forever in my soul Yo dedico el resto de mi vida a tu memoria hasta que tenga todo lo que hiciste por tu familia en un libro que nunca perdereMaria Camacho

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Cecilia Mogollon who was born in Colombia Fusagasuga, Colombia on August 16, 1930 and passed away on August 9, 2008. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.

I move amongst the shadows

Where you don’t exist

Waiting for a glimpse of your memory


Your final journey will be tomorrow

When the bearers take the coffin

Through a city shrouded in sun


A place lost in my dreams

I can only imagine in my soul

Full of images of a life


Well lived

When you wanted the best

For everyone you loved


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Yo camino en la penumbra

Donde tú no existes

Esperando verte in mi memoria


Tu viaje final será

Cuando lleven el ataúd por las calles

De una ciudad llena de sol


Un lugar perdido en mis sueños

Lleno de imagines de una vida

Cuando quisiste lo mejor


Para tu familia

Tu espíritu vagara por las montañas

Donde correrá por las laderas


Y precipicios de los Andes

Hasta que alcance el punto más alto

De mi alma

remanufactured inkjet

Music full of tunes echoes in your home

Chimeras flow towards the sky

The clouds fighting with each other

To bring the rain to the land of dreams


As your memories float in the

Morning dew

And the palm trees sway in the breeze

Your footsteps resound throughout your home


Telling me what to do

Guiding me through the path of life

Every moment I breathe

In the house


Where your picture looks

After the affairs

Of someone lost in time

Left on this earth after your departure

Musica llena de tunas suena en tu casa

Canciones se van al cielo

Las nubes

Se pelean entre ellas


Para traer la lluvia

A la tierra de ensueños

Donde las palmas se mecen fuera de la ventana

Trayendo Memorias de tu vida


Mientras que el eco de tus pasos suena por tu morada

Y tu foto cuida

A alguien que dejaste

Perdida en el tiempo

El sol se oculta en otro día

Mientras que pienso en el pasado

En una habitación de cubrelecho de colores


Y fotos en blanco y negro

De los rincones del tiempo

Donde la pena de tu muerte nunca se ira


Tu alma iluminara mis días

Tristes sin tu presencia

Volando en la corriente del universo




The sun sets in another day

In a room full of light


And black and white pictures

From the mysteries of time


Where the pain of your death will never desert me

Your soul will light my days


Sad without your presence

Whilst flying through life


The sun sets in another day

In a room full of light


And black and white pictures

From the mysteries of time


Where the pain of your death will never desert me

Your soul will light my days


Sad without your presence

Whilst flying through life


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Cecilia Mogollon, 1948 Cecilia Mogollon and Ismael Camacho Arango Cecilia Mogollon and her children Cecilia Mogollon with her mother, Rosa Hernandez and her sisters: Rosa Mogollo, Marina Mogollon and Mercedes Mogollon Cecilia Mogollon, her sister Rosita and Michael in London Last birthday Cecilia Mogollon and her husband Jose Ismael Camacho in 1952 Wedding day. The family sees them off at the Bogota airport
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